View back on KATASTASIS
My view back on KATASTASIS goes back to the year 2000. This was when I wrote down the first loose notes about the (at that time) comic project. But it wasn’t until much later, in 2015, that I decided to make a webcomic. A project that would be freely available to anyone who was interested.
In the meantime, tons of sketches, notes, ideas and concept artwork have accumulated. I had to probe and overcome many technical hurdles and acquire a lot of knowledge far from art and story writing. I had to start and stop many artistic experiments and ultimately study and analyze large amounts of historical and scientific literature. Something like that takes a long time. Especially if you have to do it on top of your normal job and everyday life. Again and again, events threw me back to zero, and I felt I had to start all over again. But I feel the quality and focus of the project has steadily optimized through these same delays and setbacks.
Here’s an older concept artwork showing a dying demon in an early design phase.
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It also really makes sense to follow me on Instagram or Facebook, where I share current KATASTASIS sketches and artworks.