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KATASTASIS Concept Illustration

KATASTASIS Concept Illustration

Here is a new KATASTASIS Concept Illustration … It is a very important character for the following chapters and beyond. “The Demon in the Desert” will be the very first chapter to be released soon.
Currently I am drawing the pictures of the first chapter.
There are still some technical things to improve and decide. Currently I’m also thinking about a KATASTASIS Wiki, which will be launched between chapter one and two. But I’ll give you more information about that later. As soon as I’ve finished drawing chapter one and the text is ready for translation, I’ll also put the official picture gallery online. So there will finally be a home for all KATASTASIS concept illustration and concept art. These artworks should also get their due besides the actual webcomic, which should be guaranteed with this.
KATASTASIS will be quite extensive, when I look at the scripts and outlines. So I still have to think about a good navigation for the chapters and single pages. Preferably even a search function for keywords and text excerpts.
There is still some work to do! –
Stay tuned! – As always: Subscribe to my newsletter, follow me on Instagram or Facebook and feel free to visit my official Artist Homepage
All the best!

On this picture we see the Demon in the Desert, a concept illustration / concept art that features one important character of KATASTASIS, the epic free webcomic by Helge C. Balzer. A demonic creature is standing on a pile of stones in a desert, staring at us. In the background we see the rest of old and big temples.
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KATASTASIS Roadmap 1st Chapter

KATASTASIS Roadmap 1st Chapter

Today I would like to talk about the KATASTASIS roadmap until the release:
Dear friends, finally again a KATASTASIS update, after a longer Christmas-New Year break, which was unfortunately also bitterly necessary to consolidate me and my projects.
I have finished writing on the first few chapters of KATASTASIS! The next step is to have them proofread and translated into English. During this procedure I am drawing the webcomic.
In fact, I’m already drawing on the first sketches of chapter 1. And I’m confident that it will be ready in the next 2 weeks. Once the image and text are locked, comes the layout phase and some technical optimizations for display on the web and especially for mobile devices.
As a last step before the launch of KATASTASIS, I’ll give the chapter to a small test audience to read and implement some feedback if necessary.
Then the way is finally clear and we can start!
Remember to sign up for the KATASTASIS newsletter, and check out my Instagram or Facebook page. Also feel free to visit my official homepage.
Talk to you soon!

Go to to enjoy the release of the 1st chapter of book 1 of the epic free webcomic. This is a teaser image to inform the audience about the launch of KATASTASIS in 2023.
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View back on KATASTASIS

View back on KATASTASIS

My view back on KATASTASIS goes back to the year 2000. This was when I wrote down the first loose notes about the (at that time) comic project. But it wasn’t until much later, in 2015, that I decided to make a webcomic. A project that would be freely available to anyone who was interested.
In the meantime, tons of sketches, notes, ideas and concept artwork have accumulated. I had to probe and overcome many technical hurdles and acquire a lot of knowledge far from art and story writing. I had to start and stop many artistic experiments and ultimately study and analyze large amounts of historical and scientific literature. Something like that takes a long time. Especially if you have to do it on top of your normal job and everyday life. Again and again, events threw me back to zero, and I felt I had to start all over again. But I feel the quality and focus of the project has steadily optimized through these same delays and setbacks.
Here’s an older concept artwork showing a dying demon in an early design phase.

We see a dying demon, hit by several arrows on a jagged mountainside. This art is a teaser artwork for the webcomic project KATASTASIS by Helge C. Balzer.

If you haven’t already, make sure you’re signed up for the KATASTASIS newsletter; there’s a lot happening and moving forward in the next year, and it’s getting concrete – so, don’t miss out!
It also really makes sense to follow me on Instagram or Facebook, where I share current KATASTASIS sketches and artworks.

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Some new KATASTASIS Concept Art

Hi, guys, currently I’m working on the script of the first teaser chapter and some more KATASTASIS concept art. Here is a new, small art sneak peak. The picture shows a concept art piece of a Nephilim during the second great Nephilim war.

A conept art piece for the epic free webcomic KATASTASIS by Helge C. Balzer. The image is showing a monstrous fallen angel from the Nephilim. It is a massively mutated and twisted creature wielding a strange sword and carrying lots of jewelry.

In addition, I changed the paragraph markers to avoid too Christian an appeal. Most people will guess, but KATASTASIS doesn’t fit very well into a Sunday sermon. So I’m afraid that one or the other religious person will not necessarily be a KATASTASIS fan. But I’m sure I’ll write about that separately in another post.
In the meantime, don’t forget to subscribe to the KATASTASIS newsletter, if you haven’t already! Of course I also recommend to follow my social media pages (Instagram and Facebook) to not miss any news.

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Art Sneak Peak

I’m happy to show you a first little KATASTASIS art sneak peak!
Meanwhile, I’m writing the teaser chapter that will be released as part of a pre-release in early 2023. I’ll finish the drawings before Christmas, so everything can go into translation and post-production in December. Before that, I have more of the KATASTASIS art sneak peak prepared that I will release later this year.

An Angel is fighting against a horde of demons. The angel is slaughtering the foes wielding an exotic axe. The image is a teaser artwork to show an art sneak peak of KATASTASIS the epic, free Webcomic by Helge C. Balzer.
KATASTASIS Teaser Artwork – 2022

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for the KATASTASIS newsletter to not miss any of the upcoming updates and background information! You can find the form right here.

Furthermore, I’m currently working on the official KATASTASIS picture gallery, and, it’s obvious, the news section is already online and being updated.
Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram or Facebook!

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KATASTASIS New Website Launch

New Website is online

KATASTASIS has a new website – we are online! Awesome news! KATASTASIS – epic free Webcomic – has a new home! – But of course that doesn’t mean the work is done yet … nope. KATASTASIS’ new website is a living document; the webcomic and the site content grows and optimizes over a long period of time. In the coming weeks there will be brand new art and information coming along! And finally the first teaser chapter of the webcomic launches in early 2023. And then it really gets going! …

In the meantime subscribe to the KATASTASIS Newsletter. There will be a lot news and updates, don’t miss them! On social media I’ll only post the artworks … so it’s key to use the newsletter for much deeper updates!

If you haven’t yet, check out the landing page, where all important information about KATASTASIS are put together in a nutshell. Also ensure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook!

If anything bothers you or you have any idea how this site could be get better, do not hesitate to let me know. And I will do my best to get this done. Thanks for your support! KATASTATSIS is for you! I am glad you all are with me on this special journey of creating an awesome and epic (and free!) webcomic.

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